How to Create Safety in Sales Call

Creating psychological safety in a sales call.

When we really want to know what our customer’s needs, wants, issues, frustrations, ideas are it is crucial to make it safe for him/her to express them fully.

If it is not safe, your customer will never reveal what he/she is thinking. So, the question remains what I need to do to make it safe.

Here are some ideas

Use the permission & protection pathway.

Example “Dear customer if you do not agree with what I am telling you, please tell me, no problem at all, I will appreciate your feedback.”

Copy the behaviour of your customer.

Copy his/her voice, words, intonation, speed of talking, gestures, posture.

See the world through his /her lens.

Imagine you sitting on his/her chair, looking at his/her reality. Put yourself in his/her shoes how would that feel? What would you think? What will pass my mind hearing and seeing your ideas about your product or service?”

Use partial agreements.

To stay on the same page, it is important to obtain partial agreements in a friendly manner

Example “Until now is everything clear, if not tell me,” “Does this sound logic, if not please tell me, I would love to hear your opinion about it.”

Increase your level of empathy.

Example “From what you are saying I can imagine it is not easy to change this,” “This is a major challenge for you or am I wrong?”

Use your third eye.

During the whole call always watch the human interpersonal dynamics between you and your customer. Ask yourself the question “Is the energy between the both of us still flooding?” “Are we enough time in the dialogue modus or am I continuously telling, selling, or advocating?”

Increase your active listening skills.

If you can reframe what your customer told you it will increase the trust level leading your customer to express him/herself more.

Demonstrate a cheerful outlook.

Walk in with confidence and with a good smile.

Observe changes in the body language and reflect upon it.

Example “I have the impression that you agree less on this topic or am I wrong, please tell”

Respect the space between both.

If you are sitting to near to your customers, they will feel tense, so watch your distances. This depends on the behavioural style of your customer.

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Wishing you all an excellent Business Day!

Alexander Nijs

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