Virtual communication part 3

Explain, if needed the Microsoft Teams or Zoom toolbar; not everybody is used to work with it. 

Explain what you will do, so do not leave your customer alone. 

Explain your back-up plan if communication fails. This happens sometimes, so you have an interest in announcing this at the start of your communication. At least they will know what to do. In these situations you need to take leadership.

Explain the functioning rules from the start. Examples; how long will the call take, when can they put questions in the Q&A box, when will questions be answered, will there be a poll and how do they need to fill it in, would you love them to share their screen,....

When you are going to share your screen, tell them why you are going to share it. This will prime their mind for the upcoming information.

Do not move your body too much in front of your camera, it could distract the attention

Be careful with your hand or arm gestures too. A piece of advice here is record yourself for a few minutes. You will be amazed by what you will see. Ask for sincere and straightforward feedback from your colleagues.

If you are going to share a file, have it set ready to show, so that you do not have to run through all the files on your screen to find it. This can be very distracting from the topic you are about to discuss.

Please look into the camera. An error that a lot of people make is that they put the camera on the left or right side, so you can only see a side way view of the person. It is crucial in virtual communication to make a connection with your audience through eye-contact. Eye-contact is the fastest way to the heart of your customers. 

Get out the most of your virtual communications with your customers.

Wishing you all the best and above all stay safe.

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